Our Current
1 -Year All Nations Prayer and Fasting
Theme: Possessing and Reviving the Nations Through Prayer – Psalms 2:8
Vision Statement
The world is in dire need of salvation, grace and rekindling of the love of Christ. The mandate of the church is to go into the world, make disciples of all nations, drawing them into the sheep-fold of God and reigniting the dimmed light of the beloved of the Lord. This mandate has impressed on the heart of the children of God to join hands, in unity and in one accord, to stand in the gap, praying and fasting for the nations. This non-denominational intercessory prayer and fasting journey is purported to claiming the world and nations for Christ, reviving and igniting the love and passion for Christ in all nations and people across all races, continents and countries.
The program is scheduled to begin on the 1st of January, 2021 through to the 31st of December, 2021. A scheduled 1-year prayer and fasting program.
Participating Ministries
Various ministries across the length and breath of the globe are joining hands in unity and solidarity to stand in the gap for the nations of the world. Currently, the following underlisted ministries are partaking in the program:
- Elevators
- Spirit Revival
- Virtuous Women (Women in the place of prayer)
- Dominion Outreach
- Europe Prayer Network
- Yeshua Prayer Network
- Growth is a must Fellowship
- Shenyang International Christian Fellowship
- Overcomers
Registration has ended
Prayer and Fasting
The prayer focus is categorized and directed towards twelve specific areas, one for each month, which includes:
- Youth and media
- Families
- Nations
- Leaders (Kings & Authority)
- Souls
- Children
7. Churches
8. Relationships/Marriages
9. Widows and Orphans
10. Students and Workers
11. Ministers and Missionaries
12. Thanksgiving
Prayer Points
To ensure all participants are in unison, standing in the gap in prayer at every point in time, monthly, weekly and daily prayer points will be prepared and circulated amongst all participants.
Monthly prayer focus as highlighted in 5.1 above will be the primary focus for the entire duration of the prayer and fast. A single focus per month. Additionally, a weekly prayer focus, narrowing specific areas to pray for will be outlined. Finally, 3 specific daily prayer points will be the focus of the prayer and fast for that particular day, spanning the entire duration of the day. In addition, thanksgiving scriptures for each day will be made available. Daily declarations and prayers will also be made for 8 selected nations from different continents.
Previous and current prayer topics will be available on the Elevators website (www.elevatorslite.com).
Directions For Prayer and Fast
Due to the differences in time zones for participants, daily prayers will be organized separately by the leaders of the various ministries at different times.
Once every two months, all ministries will come together to hold a great revival program for nations. Everyone is invited to join in this joint meeting, participants and non-participating individuals alike. A host of different great men of God will be invited to grace these meetings throughout the year.
Personal prayer points will be collated from members every two months and added to topics to be prayed for.
During the registration, particular fasting duration can be chosen as per individual priority. However, participants are encouraged to commit to their chosen time of fasting throughout the year. They are not allowed to break the fast in any day less than the chosen time, in which case the whole year’s fasting is considered broken. The Holy Spirit is our supervisor. Drinking water during the fasting period is allowed; warm water is preferred. The duration of the fasting period participants can choose from are as follows;
- 12 am to 12 noon
- 12 am to 3 pm
- 12 am to 6 pm
Individuals with medical conditions, eager to join in the fast regardless, are encouraged to contact the organizers for further information on how to go about the fast.
Psalm 2:8 Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession. NLT
Contact Us : Elevatorslite@outlook.com
All Nations Fasting and Prayers
Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession

Speak the Word
In season and Out of season.

Never cease
Praying for Nations.

Light the world
Through your action, conduct and Character.

Take Your Picture
From the scripture for a better Nature