David A. G Eagle is an anointed man of God elected by grace and sent to the reach the ends of the world with God’s divine mandate. He is an ardent teacher of God’s Word, laying to bare the gospel of Christ in a fresh, practical, and revelatory way that unveils the mysteries of Jesus. His ministry is fuelled with deep, unadulterated mysteries from the word of God with full proof of God’s divine power in healing, miracles, signs and wonders. His prophetic mandate is geared towards the place of intercession for the nations, leaders, youth, orphans, widows, family, children and churches.
His passion:
The Nations:
His earnest, heartfelt desire is to see the nations walking in the unity of faith, love and peace. He is passionate to seeing all nations thriving in peace. His joy is made complete in contributing to a unified global village, where nations are at peace with each other, bonded together in the love of Christ.
The Youth:
His desire is to help the youthful generation understand and live the mysteries of God’s word. He is devoted to grooming young men and women who are passionate about Christ and working the works of God.
He seeks to reach the hearts of leaders, infusing the grace of pursing greatness, causing positive global change and initiating positive strides, moulded from a place endorsed by Christ.
His call is to teach and direct children in the way of the Lord. Growing a hunger, thirst and earnest desire to draw nearer to Christ, drawing strength and seeking guidance from the cisterns of God.
He desires that all families place Christ at the center of their homes. He is motivated to see families live in peace, bonded in love and pursuing holiness in this present day and age.
The Church
Interceding for the church, driving it to a place of true believe in Christ, running purposefully with the call of Christ and witnessing to the ends of the world, is at the core of this heart desires.
David Eagle earned a first class bachelor’s degree from the Ghana Technology University, Accra-Ghana in 2016. During his time on campus, he was the head of Evangelism for the All Christian Fellowship Campus Ministry, from 2014 to 2015, later becoming the Vice president from 2015 to 2016. He then pursued a Master’s degree in Information Communication Engineering from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing-China, graduating in 2020. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Information Communication Engineering from the same university.
He is the president of Elevators Ministry Worldwide. David is also a passionate worshipper, a great saxophonist and pianist. He ushers a host of people into the presence of God through his ministrations. Many lives has been touched and transformed under the anointing that flows through his ministrations.