Prophet David Eagle is an outstanding teacher and speaker of the word of God. His teachings are full of divine revelation. The clarity of his teachings reveals the true nature of Jesus.

Vision is the clear picture of your God ordained future. It is seeing today what you want your tomorrow to look like. It is the clear definition of life's destination. A man without vision is a man without motion. Motion can never be executed until vision is activated. It is not possible to fulfill your God ordained purpose on earth without vision. Vision is seeing today what you want your tomorrow to look like. It is the secret of impactful living. Biological birth entitles man to existence but it is vision that empowers man to living.
The wisdom of God is creative in nature. It has the ability to create and restore every missing thing in man’s life. The all mighty God used the creative power of wisdom during His creation. This is to tells us that everything visible and invisible was made by the creative power of wisdom. Wisdom is the power behind mental creativity. In Psalm 104:24 the word of God says “ O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.”. it takes the wisdom of God to create your future.
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the proof of things not seen and the act conviction of their reality. Faith is the supernatural substance in man that pulls the finished work in the supernatural realm into the natural world. It is what manifest the invisible creation in the supernatural realm in a visible way on earth. Faith is not just a mere confession; faith is a great profession. Faith is not just saying what God says; faith is doing what God says.
The Word
The word of God is the life of God. It is the full revelation of Jesus. Spending time with the Word of God is accessing and transforming into the divine nature of God. When a person spends time with the Word of God, he absorbs the Life of God. When a magnet is applied on the surface of a metallic substance for a period of time, the metallic substance become magnetize and later turn into a magnet. What causes the change wasn’t the just the application but applying it over a time period. This means permanent transformation into the nature of God requires persistence and consistence fellowship in His presence through His word.
Invite Prophet David to come and speak at your church